Lock Down at my school
Greetings readers from far and near! Today was a bit out of the ordinary/regular at school where I teach music. We had a lock down. Now ever since 9-11-01, these drills are as common as fire drills in our public schools. We also lock down about once a month when one of our autistic students decides to bolt and play "hide and seek" with staff and students. We lock down so there are less places to hide and search. This lock down was different. Principal M got on the PA immediatley after lunch/recess and pretty much ordered everyone back to their rooms immediately for a lock down. The tone of his voice was calm, but insistent. I did not have a class at this time as it was my lunch. I scurried the remaining students back to their class so all the teachers would not be wondering and concerned about any missing ones from their rooms. The lock down lasted 25 minutes. Principal M got on the PA two different times and explained that there was a situation very near the school where the police had insisted on our lock down, suspend all activities until further notice. I chose to spend that 25 minutes finishing up lunch in my darkened room hidden in back of the piano and read Romans 12, 13, and 14------now those chapters are some Bible meat!! There is so much in that I will need to re-read and process when I'm not hiding between a piano and a closet with the lights out. If I would have had students they would have been in a little mob on the floor in the same spot, very well hidden from exterior doors and high up windows. After reading Romans, my mind wondered exactly what was this lockdown all about. Yep, I prayed. After it was over, we found out that there had been a robbery at a bank only one block away where a gunman had either escaped or was being apprehended and he was right near the school. Yes, a lockdown was in order. I am glad I have a principal who follows Christ. Thank you Lord that no students or teachers were hurt. During lunch/recess, most doors are unlocked due to kids needing the restroom, the nurse, etc. That thief could have waltzed in the school and done much harm. Thank you, Lord!!
At 5:54 AM,
Jojo said…
Wow - we live in scarey times. I"m glad everything turned out well. I'm also glad to hear you spent your time reading God's Word. Romans is a great book! I remember reading it for the first time and how it brought things together for me and helped me understand grace so much better. I hope today is less exciting for you! :-)
At 2:22 PM,
JodiTucker said…
yes, today was much less "exciting"
......yet, gotta keep that dependence on God going in regular and irregular times (and I am not talking bowel functions here!!)
Thanks for visiting my new blog!
At 9:33 PM,
Live, Love, Laugh said…
I am glad all is well, you never know nowadays and I don't think you can be too careful. I sometimes think I have heard it all, then I hear something new or meet someone else who's elevator doesn't go all the way to the top, so I encourage people to be aware of what is going on around them and to report anything that looks even remotely suspicious! God Bless!
At 10:02 AM,
Darlene Schacht said…
What a world we live in. It's nice to know that God is the same yesterday, today, and forever.
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