Wednesday of Spring Break
Hello blogville/blogosphere/real-people-reading-real-words on their computers,
Hope you are all well and drawing nearer to God through whatever your own daily and moment-by-moment circumstances happen to be.
I think I will continue the Outer/Inner life thing because it's what works for me......although both "lives" are actually quite intertwined.
Outer stuff: BT called from Biloxi, MS this AM to let me (Mum) know how things are going for her on the Katrina relief team sent from the Chapel Campus Focus (college students on Spring Break). Her team is doing lots of painting. Other teams are demolishing houses. There are almost 150 young ladies and gentleman with this particular group. JT visited here yesterday and played with the dog ALOT and we watched Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers together. LT is in school today since she is in a different district where we live then where I teach. PT has had back problems/sciatic nerve big time. I even had to put his socks on for the past few days with the pain he was in.......he is much better today......thank you, Lord!
Inner stuff: The dog.....Mr. Frodo. Yeah, right.......exactly how is God using this dog for an "inner life experience?" Well, because he just goes straight away with his own little dog impulses.......namely digging holes in the backyard. Even after attempting Plan A-----re-filling the holes and putting hot chile pepper on them ( info gleaned from the internet), this did no good. He licked the pepper and the dirt and then re-dug the holes. Obviously, Plan B is now in order. (interior fences) The question is: How often do I just go off and do or say the first impulse thing? I will say that happens less than when I was say, 18 or 25 or even a young 36.
But, it still happens........and then I go to God soon and say, please forgive me and make this/that right with You......and go to the other person, too. I think of many students at school from less-then-wonderful homes who go by their first impulse because they have had little to no real love or discipline or teaching of how to act/re-act in many situations. Consequently, most teachers end up teaching alot more than just their main subject area because social stuff is not taught at home. I feel so called to keep teaching in a public school setting. The need is great here.
Plus, this is what I have wanted to do since age 13. Thank you, Lord for letting me teach. And, thanks for Spring Break to re-charge the teaching batteries and find out I need carpal tunnel surgery soon. (all those piano playing years are catching up now at almost 48).......Thank you, Lord for Your Son and His death and resurrection!!!.......YEAH!!
Hope you are all well and drawing nearer to God through whatever your own daily and moment-by-moment circumstances happen to be.
I think I will continue the Outer/Inner life thing because it's what works for me......although both "lives" are actually quite intertwined.
Outer stuff: BT called from Biloxi, MS this AM to let me (Mum) know how things are going for her on the Katrina relief team sent from the Chapel Campus Focus (college students on Spring Break). Her team is doing lots of painting. Other teams are demolishing houses. There are almost 150 young ladies and gentleman with this particular group. JT visited here yesterday and played with the dog ALOT and we watched Lord of the Rings, the Two Towers together. LT is in school today since she is in a different district where we live then where I teach. PT has had back problems/sciatic nerve big time. I even had to put his socks on for the past few days with the pain he was in.......he is much better today......thank you, Lord!
Inner stuff: The dog.....Mr. Frodo. Yeah, right.......exactly how is God using this dog for an "inner life experience?" Well, because he just goes straight away with his own little dog impulses.......namely digging holes in the backyard. Even after attempting Plan A-----re-filling the holes and putting hot chile pepper on them ( info gleaned from the internet), this did no good. He licked the pepper and the dirt and then re-dug the holes. Obviously, Plan B is now in order. (interior fences) The question is: How often do I just go off and do or say the first impulse thing? I will say that happens less than when I was say, 18 or 25 or even a young 36.
But, it still happens........and then I go to God soon and say, please forgive me and make this/that right with You......and go to the other person, too. I think of many students at school from less-then-wonderful homes who go by their first impulse because they have had little to no real love or discipline or teaching of how to act/re-act in many situations. Consequently, most teachers end up teaching alot more than just their main subject area because social stuff is not taught at home. I feel so called to keep teaching in a public school setting. The need is great here.
Plus, this is what I have wanted to do since age 13. Thank you, Lord for letting me teach. And, thanks for Spring Break to re-charge the teaching batteries and find out I need carpal tunnel surgery soon. (all those piano playing years are catching up now at almost 48).......Thank you, Lord for Your Son and His death and resurrection!!!.......YEAH!!
At 8:28 AM,
Valerie said…
Hi Jodi! I am so glad you've joined the "Land of Bloggers." Just think, in one year, you'll be celebrating YOUR very own "bloggiversary." Enjoy spring break - ours isn't until the week after Easter, but I'm ready for it right now!
At 9:31 AM,
Diane Viere said…
Yes,the inner and outer lives.....are intertwined! Taking care of both--is essential! You are so right!
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