Music Madness in April
Hello Tucker children that I birthed many years ago AND whoever else is reading this!
Greetings and salutations!
Continuing the Outer/Inner Life world and how they are intertwined................
Outer Stuff: Lots of music this month......(Duh....I do teach music at an elementary school.) But, more than the usual now that Spring Break is over. April 1---Jason and Angie's wedding.....of course, lots of good worship music during the ceremony and even Brown Eyed Girl from Jason to Angie and the reception....lots of music and even COWBELL on "Don't Fear the Reaper." Yeah! April 2----singing at Arlington, a pre-dominantly black church. Gospel music rocks!! it gets loud alot though, so variety is it for me with music. April 3---722 rehearsal, lovely vocal jazz. April 4----My 70 third graders sang at the all-city choir concert. They sang wonderfully and even behaved well, too.........Threats of loss of recess in combination with rehearsal and PRAYER work! April 5----Linds played flute at the GHS Cluster concert, selections from missed it B!! Pete played bassoon and sax at Chapel reheasal for Good Friday. April 6-----More COWBELL at the GHS Reverse Raffle. April 7---Three and 1/2 hours of students auditioning for the Talent Show.......Gee, I am finding out how popular High School Musical is with the kids!! Basically, my principal played Simon Cowell, I was Paula Abdul and another parent was Randy Jackson, even though she was a white lady and not a black guy. I got to say, "You're going to Hollywood" to most of the kids. April 14-----will be selections from Handel's Messiah at the Good Friday service. Greatly looking forward to singing alto for Jesus then with the Chapel Choir. Handel rocks!! I think it's a good thing I like music and especially music that lifts up the Lord!
Inner Stuff: A parent of a third grade student really let me have it quite verbally just shortly before the concert on April 4. She was quite upset that she knew nothing about this concert before that day. I explained about having sent out FOUR letters of explanation and reminder and that it was impossible for me to phone 70 parents, so I depended on the kids to bring home important papers to their parents. The student admitted that she only gave one notice to her mom and that was the day of the concert. The next day the counselor at school told me that she and others in-the-know are pretty sure that this mom is unable to read and has been arrested for abusing her spouse. Wow! Who is the parent here? Where and what is this young third grader learning about life? How can I help her?----- love, consistency, and role modeling at school since it isn't happening at home. These situations break my heart. How much more do they greive the heart of God? Lord, please help these kids that have parents that can not or will not help them. Please help the parents and students see their need for you and search You out. Lord, Help.
Greetings and salutations!
Continuing the Outer/Inner Life world and how they are intertwined................
Outer Stuff: Lots of music this month......(Duh....I do teach music at an elementary school.) But, more than the usual now that Spring Break is over. April 1---Jason and Angie's wedding.....of course, lots of good worship music during the ceremony and even Brown Eyed Girl from Jason to Angie and the reception....lots of music and even COWBELL on "Don't Fear the Reaper." Yeah! April 2----singing at Arlington, a pre-dominantly black church. Gospel music rocks!! it gets loud alot though, so variety is it for me with music. April 3---722 rehearsal, lovely vocal jazz. April 4----My 70 third graders sang at the all-city choir concert. They sang wonderfully and even behaved well, too.........Threats of loss of recess in combination with rehearsal and PRAYER work! April 5----Linds played flute at the GHS Cluster concert, selections from missed it B!! Pete played bassoon and sax at Chapel reheasal for Good Friday. April 6-----More COWBELL at the GHS Reverse Raffle. April 7---Three and 1/2 hours of students auditioning for the Talent Show.......Gee, I am finding out how popular High School Musical is with the kids!! Basically, my principal played Simon Cowell, I was Paula Abdul and another parent was Randy Jackson, even though she was a white lady and not a black guy. I got to say, "You're going to Hollywood" to most of the kids. April 14-----will be selections from Handel's Messiah at the Good Friday service. Greatly looking forward to singing alto for Jesus then with the Chapel Choir. Handel rocks!! I think it's a good thing I like music and especially music that lifts up the Lord!
Inner Stuff: A parent of a third grade student really let me have it quite verbally just shortly before the concert on April 4. She was quite upset that she knew nothing about this concert before that day. I explained about having sent out FOUR letters of explanation and reminder and that it was impossible for me to phone 70 parents, so I depended on the kids to bring home important papers to their parents. The student admitted that she only gave one notice to her mom and that was the day of the concert. The next day the counselor at school told me that she and others in-the-know are pretty sure that this mom is unable to read and has been arrested for abusing her spouse. Wow! Who is the parent here? Where and what is this young third grader learning about life? How can I help her?----- love, consistency, and role modeling at school since it isn't happening at home. These situations break my heart. How much more do they greive the heart of God? Lord, please help these kids that have parents that can not or will not help them. Please help the parents and students see their need for you and search You out. Lord, Help.
At 6:14 PM,
Valerie said…
Jodi: That is a frightening situation with that mom - if she's lashing out at you like that, imagine what she's doing to that little child (let alone her spouse). It's overwhelming to me at times as to how much abuse is going on in this world. I admire what you are doing for all of your students - you could be the most important role model of a Godly woman with whom they conme in contact. Blessings to you!
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