School's out. Summer's in.
Greetings family and friends,
Outer life stuff:
Those culminating events from the last post took up ALOT of time and energy. Plus, containing/managing kids at the end of the school year at an elementary school is like trying to herd cats or stop a volcano with your bare hands. Get the picture? I enjoy my job, but I also really need the summer to re-charge the thinking and pondering batteries and just have a change of pace. So, yeah, I am alive. Besides a plethora of doctor appointments for Linds and me, there's still planning and such for a niece's grad. party and my parents 5oth anniversary celebration in August, a week long graduate workshop course in music education, a week in Florida, and July 14-----carpal tunnel surgery on the right hand/wrist. After that, who knows how long I may or may not be able to type on the computer?? Older Tucker kids are at Camp Carl already. Linds has alot cooking for the summer. Pete is busier than ever with work responsibilties and lots of business coming his way. (Good thing I have the real God and the dyslexic god (that means dog) to talk to!!)
Inner life stuff:
Summer means more thinking/pondering time........So, what should I think more on?
How about a favorite verse of mine? Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Words of truth and wisdom. Words of life and peace. Words of love and caring. Words I need to apply to a certain family member who does not like me because we are very different. Words, but powerful words, that need to sometimes lead to prayer and sometimes to action. I'll do both.
Truth, wisdom, life, peace, love, and caring to you!
Outer life stuff:
Those culminating events from the last post took up ALOT of time and energy. Plus, containing/managing kids at the end of the school year at an elementary school is like trying to herd cats or stop a volcano with your bare hands. Get the picture? I enjoy my job, but I also really need the summer to re-charge the thinking and pondering batteries and just have a change of pace. So, yeah, I am alive. Besides a plethora of doctor appointments for Linds and me, there's still planning and such for a niece's grad. party and my parents 5oth anniversary celebration in August, a week long graduate workshop course in music education, a week in Florida, and July 14-----carpal tunnel surgery on the right hand/wrist. After that, who knows how long I may or may not be able to type on the computer?? Older Tucker kids are at Camp Carl already. Linds has alot cooking for the summer. Pete is busier than ever with work responsibilties and lots of business coming his way. (Good thing I have the real God and the dyslexic god (that means dog) to talk to!!)
Inner life stuff:
Summer means more thinking/pondering time........So, what should I think more on?
How about a favorite verse of mine? Proverbs 3:5-6 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways, acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy paths." Words of truth and wisdom. Words of life and peace. Words of love and caring. Words I need to apply to a certain family member who does not like me because we are very different. Words, but powerful words, that need to sometimes lead to prayer and sometimes to action. I'll do both.
Truth, wisdom, life, peace, love, and caring to you!
At 5:08 PM,
Valerie said…
It sounds like your summer will be filled with special family time, laughter, love. . . but I'm sure you're not looking forward to the surgery! I love the verse you have chosen to reflect upon. I, too, have a "certain" family member much like the one you mentioned.
At 2:48 PM,
JodiTucker said…
Actually, I am looking forward to the surgery, so that afterthe recuperation I can play piano longer than 10 minutes without being in pain and drive to work without extreme discomfort. Even vacuuming is painful. So, the surgery is really a good thing!
At 5:33 PM,
Lora said…
I'm sorry to hear that you are in so much pain and discomfort.Thank goodness you are having surgery and will heal/recover and live a life of productivity,comfort, and able to do what it is that makes you happy. Please know that while you won't be able to type while you are recovering that you will be in our thoughts and in our hearts and we wish for you to have a speedy recovery. ~Hugs from Alaska~
At 8:19 AM,
Nettie said…
Happy summer!
At 6:42 PM,
Lora said…
I look forward to your updated blog and to know how things have been going. Thanks for the comment on Griffin's blog. I do have "Animals in Translation" and it is an incredible book, I just love Temple Grandin's writing. Take care and have a blessed day!
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