July 2006
Greetings www family and friends,
It appears that I may have settled into blogging once per month at this rate and that's OK. Since my carpal tunnel surgery is coming up Friday, 7-14-06, better post now because the next one will most likely be August!
Outer Life Stuff:
The June things (week-long course at Walsh University and the most excellent and relaxing Florida vacation with partial extended family) are now over. Ft. Myers Beach was just lovely AFTER the tides took back all the algae globs that looked and smelled like whale doo-doo that had been churned up from Tropical Storm Alberto a few weeks earlier. So, we weren't in the ocean for a day and a half but the rest of the time----YES!! It was nice relaxing with family and having alone-time with God to simply bask in the warm beauty of His salt water creation and the pristine beach by the motel. We had fun! Flew back to OH on July 1. On July 2, our beloved dog was hit by a van, since he hasn't figured out to look both ways when he gets loose from us. Pete and I both saw it happen and I was fairly hysterical since screeching brakes and a thump sound along with seeing it were just awful. We both figured he's dead, he's gone, it's over. But, get this...............After a very short time, he manages to wiggle his way out from the undercarriage of the van and RUNS to our neighbors house. Of course, I am still semi-freaking out, but he appeared fine with the exception of a little scratch on his leg. Just to be sure, he jumped in our van and we took him to Metro Vet Hospital and spent a tidy little sum on an exam and x-rays to make sure there was no internal damage, and there wasn't. Our neighbors were all wonderful and I thanked them all the next day. They had all been trying to catch Frodo prior to the van impact. Anyway, Frodo is alive and well and being his regular dog-self. And yes, I am thankful to God for watching out for this goofy black lab.
Inner Life Stuff:
The lady that taught the Walsh U. course was from Acco, Israel. She is Jewish. The little town where she lives has Jews, Arabs (Muslims) and Christians living peacably together. This pretty much blew my mind, since what we read in the papers is ALL about fighting in the mid-east. She said there are definitely hot spots of dissension, but it's not all over Israel. One day, I want to go to Israel and see where Jesus walked and visit my new friend, Efrat. (She speaks Hebrew, Arabic, and English.) Of course, just thinking of Israel and the middle East ties in with the book I am currently reading, To Live is Christ---Embracing the Passion of Paul by Beth Moore. Excellent book!!......with much to ponder over after each chapter. It is a fairly exhaustive study of the entire life of Paul. Joe gave me this book as a Christmas gift and I am now getting to it. I really like to read. And of course, the Bible is a biggee for me and other books by Beth Moore or C.S. Lewis and numerous others. Sometime, Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin will be another must-read. Going to Borders or B Dalton Books is like a candy or toy store to me.
Anxious to see Lindsey since it's been 3 weeks of her away in CO and now DC. Besides having Jesus as the central part of all areas of my life, I am most thankful for a good husband and three great kids. I know I am immeasurably blessed and I never ever want to become ungrateful regardless of good or bad life circumstances. Since He is over all things, I want to remain grateful to Him and His faithfulness to me and then go and serve others!! Mark 10:45 is a biggee for me-----For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
It appears that I may have settled into blogging once per month at this rate and that's OK. Since my carpal tunnel surgery is coming up Friday, 7-14-06, better post now because the next one will most likely be August!
Outer Life Stuff:
The June things (week-long course at Walsh University and the most excellent and relaxing Florida vacation with partial extended family) are now over. Ft. Myers Beach was just lovely AFTER the tides took back all the algae globs that looked and smelled like whale doo-doo that had been churned up from Tropical Storm Alberto a few weeks earlier. So, we weren't in the ocean for a day and a half but the rest of the time----YES!! It was nice relaxing with family and having alone-time with God to simply bask in the warm beauty of His salt water creation and the pristine beach by the motel. We had fun! Flew back to OH on July 1. On July 2, our beloved dog was hit by a van, since he hasn't figured out to look both ways when he gets loose from us. Pete and I both saw it happen and I was fairly hysterical since screeching brakes and a thump sound along with seeing it were just awful. We both figured he's dead, he's gone, it's over. But, get this...............After a very short time, he manages to wiggle his way out from the undercarriage of the van and RUNS to our neighbors house. Of course, I am still semi-freaking out, but he appeared fine with the exception of a little scratch on his leg. Just to be sure, he jumped in our van and we took him to Metro Vet Hospital and spent a tidy little sum on an exam and x-rays to make sure there was no internal damage, and there wasn't. Our neighbors were all wonderful and I thanked them all the next day. They had all been trying to catch Frodo prior to the van impact. Anyway, Frodo is alive and well and being his regular dog-self. And yes, I am thankful to God for watching out for this goofy black lab.
Inner Life Stuff:
The lady that taught the Walsh U. course was from Acco, Israel. She is Jewish. The little town where she lives has Jews, Arabs (Muslims) and Christians living peacably together. This pretty much blew my mind, since what we read in the papers is ALL about fighting in the mid-east. She said there are definitely hot spots of dissension, but it's not all over Israel. One day, I want to go to Israel and see where Jesus walked and visit my new friend, Efrat. (She speaks Hebrew, Arabic, and English.) Of course, just thinking of Israel and the middle East ties in with the book I am currently reading, To Live is Christ---Embracing the Passion of Paul by Beth Moore. Excellent book!!......with much to ponder over after each chapter. It is a fairly exhaustive study of the entire life of Paul. Joe gave me this book as a Christmas gift and I am now getting to it. I really like to read. And of course, the Bible is a biggee for me and other books by Beth Moore or C.S. Lewis and numerous others. Sometime, Animals in Translation by Temple Grandin will be another must-read. Going to Borders or B Dalton Books is like a candy or toy store to me.
Anxious to see Lindsey since it's been 3 weeks of her away in CO and now DC. Besides having Jesus as the central part of all areas of my life, I am most thankful for a good husband and three great kids. I know I am immeasurably blessed and I never ever want to become ungrateful regardless of good or bad life circumstances. Since He is over all things, I want to remain grateful to Him and His faithfulness to me and then go and serve others!! Mark 10:45 is a biggee for me-----For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
At 7:45 PM,
Nettie said…
So glad Frodo made it through!
At 4:57 AM,
JodiTucker said…
Thanks, Nettie. If you want to see a picture of him (and a good looking son named Joe, too)....you can go to www.xanga.com/joex74
At 5:27 PM,
Lora said…
Hi Jodi,
I guess that you got your surgery done yesterday and I hope that all went well and that you are not in any pain anymore. I wonder if you will even be able to use the keyboard for quite awhile. Glad that Frodo is fine and I have read Animals in Translation and it is fantastic. Definitely a must read. Wishing you a quick recovery and happy summer :)
At 11:48 AM,
Valerie said…
Happy to hear that Frodo it okay!
At 2:13 PM,
mysamiam said…
I finally got caught up on your blog. I too had carpel tunnel surgery in both my wrists over the past year and a half. Word to the wise (DO YOUR THERAPY LIKE THEY TELL YOU). I have lost a lot of strength in both hands (MY BAD). But, I still would do the surgery again because it worked, it was just my fault for not strengthening them back. Still working on that.
I like your "inner life" "outer" stuff. Also, I am going to read that Koran book sometime. My husband reads lots of books about the Middle East.
Hope you are enjoying spring, it has finally hit Minnesota. Ahh, the 60's today, and to think we got 20" of snow three weeks ago.
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