The Reading
Hello www friends and family,
I am currently typing left handed with a bulky cast on my right wrist and arm from the 7-14 carpal tunnel surgery. But, I am thankful to God that all went well and the cast comes off next week. In the meantime, there has been ample time to read through teaching materials, do a few Sodukos left handed and read. I have been reading three books: To Live is Christ by Beth Moore (a study on the life of Paul), Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper and the English translation of The Koran (which means The Reading). No, I am not planning to convert to Islam. But, I do want to be able to have more of a mindset of where Islamic extremists are coming from (Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Quaeda, etc.) especially in light of what is happening in the Middle East right now. I doubt that there will ever be peace in this region. The hatred goes too deep and is ingrained in childhood for many. My son Joe had a copy of The Koran from a comparative religions colloquium class at UAkron. It is obvious that occupation of sacred land is a biggee for many of different religions. Is it Israel or Occupied Palestine? Depends on who you talk to and when. Hezbollah has made it clear that their goal is the destruction of Israel.
From my last post, I had the opportunity to have an instructor from Israel who is Jewish in a music workshop. I fear for her safety in Acco just as much as the innocent folks in Lebanon. I will say reading The Koran has been helpful to know what a Muslim believes and how "works-oriented" this religion is. I will continue to read the various surahs (chapters) to take it all in. I am thankful that I do believe that Jesus paid the ultimate price for my sin......His death and resurrection. The more I read in the Koran, the more I see I would never know if I was good enough to attain heaven. That is too unsettling with a lack of peace and joy.
Also, I will pray for peace in the Middle East. Maranatha! Other opinions out there?
I am currently typing left handed with a bulky cast on my right wrist and arm from the 7-14 carpal tunnel surgery. But, I am thankful to God that all went well and the cast comes off next week. In the meantime, there has been ample time to read through teaching materials, do a few Sodukos left handed and read. I have been reading three books: To Live is Christ by Beth Moore (a study on the life of Paul), Don't Waste Your Life by John Piper and the English translation of The Koran (which means The Reading). No, I am not planning to convert to Islam. But, I do want to be able to have more of a mindset of where Islamic extremists are coming from (Hezbollah, Hamas, Al-Quaeda, etc.) especially in light of what is happening in the Middle East right now. I doubt that there will ever be peace in this region. The hatred goes too deep and is ingrained in childhood for many. My son Joe had a copy of The Koran from a comparative religions colloquium class at UAkron. It is obvious that occupation of sacred land is a biggee for many of different religions. Is it Israel or Occupied Palestine? Depends on who you talk to and when. Hezbollah has made it clear that their goal is the destruction of Israel.
From my last post, I had the opportunity to have an instructor from Israel who is Jewish in a music workshop. I fear for her safety in Acco just as much as the innocent folks in Lebanon. I will say reading The Koran has been helpful to know what a Muslim believes and how "works-oriented" this religion is. I will continue to read the various surahs (chapters) to take it all in. I am thankful that I do believe that Jesus paid the ultimate price for my sin......His death and resurrection. The more I read in the Koran, the more I see I would never know if I was good enough to attain heaven. That is too unsettling with a lack of peace and joy.
Also, I will pray for peace in the Middle East. Maranatha! Other opinions out there?
At 6:32 PM,
Lora said…
I'm so glad to hear that your cast is coming off today. I hope that your arm is healed up nicely and that you don't have any more pain. I am thrilled that you saw, "Normal People Scare Me" and that you are going to share it so that more people can be enlightened about autism and how it effects individuals. I think that it is great that you are reading the Koran to try and understand where the extremists are coming from, that is admirable indeed. You are open minded yet you maintain your faith no matter what and that is to be commended.
Take care Jodi.
At 11:27 AM,
steve said…
Hey there. It is Steve Sporre from "Following God's Will"... I am really REALLY not trying to spam ya but I thought I would let all of my blog friends know that my full length 11 song album is finally here!! I am really excited about it and want to thank all of you for your prayers. Get More info at my Blog... again I am sorry for the "Spam" but many of my Blogger friends asked me to tell them when it was completed!!
And PLEASE help me spread the word and the music!!
At 11:50 AM,
Valerie said…
I think it's a wise idea about reading the Koran. It's not something I'm doing yet, but would like to in the near future.
Glad to hear the surgery went well. Hope you're enjoying the final weeks of summer. . .
At 1:04 AM,
Lora said…
Hi Jodi, I left a comment for you on my blog below the one that you left. I apologize for posting something that offended you.Hope that you can forgive me. I respect you as a teacher greatly and would never intentionally disrespect you in any way.
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